Children's Ministry ... A Place to Belong...
Our children's ministry is a fun dynamic program that teaches the children about God's love through lessons, skits, crafts and hands-on activities. We have a full fledged program on Sunday mornings and during our mid-week services. The children also participate by performing special songs during our services throughout the year which is a highlight for our families. We have an amazing group of coordinators who oversee each group of teachers.
Our lead coordinators are Jeff and Lisa Davis who have devoted their hearts to ensuring that the children have great memories of church etched on their heart and mind.
We pray that your child's experience is fun and life-changing and will teach them to choose God and his kingdom.
Cradle Roll - 6 Months-24 Months
Your child will learn about God and His creation and the wonderful world around him. Each class is filed with songs and laughter as we use puppets and other props to stimulate their senses and introduce them to the simple truths about God.
Seeds of Faith - 2-3 yr. Old Class & 4-5 yr. Old Class
Two and three year olds are incredibly observant, they often notice the simple joys of God's creation that adults take for granted. The children will learn that it is God who created all things, specifically focusing on the following aspects of God's creation: day, night, clouds, sky, sun, moon, and stars.
The four and five year olds will study God's creation of the world. They will learn that God created them in his image. Families will be a focus as the children learn that God created and gave them their families. They will learn why it is important to be obedient and all the blessings that accompany obedience through their study of Noah and Abraham. They will also learn that being obedient makes God happy and makes them happy too.
Generation Next - 1st-4th Grade
The children will have so much fun building friendships at this age that will take them into their junior high and high school years. They will be involved in special music presentations at Easter, Christmas and other special occasions. Their bible lessons will teach them about God's love and his care for his people . It will be a time of learning about the consequences of sin, and personally thinking of ways to please God in their own life. Compelling and inspiring evidences for the creation will be taught. As they move forward from this point they will join our dynamic Youth Ministry which is 5th-8th grade.